Life at Bhavans

Life at Bhavans

A million quotes would not be able to bring out the kind of work that teachers do. It is indeed an ever changing scenario. Teachers need to adapt to changes and keep their minds open to such change, yet not lose the texture of the fabric at hand. Nurturing the citizens of tomorrow.

The Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan institutions have been instituted to impart the flavor of rich Indian ethos in our children. At the same time, care is taken to see that they are exposed to the diversity of global scenario. Our aim is to ensure that our children are harbingers in all walks of life. Therefore, life at Bhavan’s is a conglomerate of ethnicity.

Bharathiya Vidya Bhavan has always stood a class apart, wherever they may have set their foot on. Here at Bhavans Al Ain we have embarked on a journey to bring to the UAE a ray of light from the shores of India.

The management has ensured that the staff here have a sense of ‘being a step ahead of their counterparts in other schools’. The teaching methodologies are updated from time to time to suit the needs of children and care is taken to ensure that students are never overloaded with study assignments. The fact that the entire campus is networked 24 hours is indeed a blessing. Students and teachers have access to their study/work material thanks to the ICT.

The school is young and gearing up steadily to face the demands of the upcoming student community. Teachers have immense scope of nurturing their skills as the work culture at Bhavans asks for a lot of team work and active participation of the various departments at all times. Teamwork has been the key word. Integrated Learning is the tagline.

Good management policies keep the teachers secure and motivated and is indeed one of the highlights of working at Bhavans.

“Ideal teachers are those who use themselves as bridges over which they invite their students to cross, then having facilitated their crossing, joyfully collapse, encouraging them to create bridges of their own.”— Nikos Kazantzakis

And thus the building of bridges goes on at Bhavans.

Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan institutions aim at providing Holistic development to its Students. A typical day in Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Al Ain starts with an invigorating morning assembly. The assembly at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Al Ain starts with different universal prayers specially marked for each day. Turns are taken by different classes to present the assembly.

    The order of the assembly goes as follows:

    • Universal prayer
    • Prayer song
    • Pledge
    • News reading
    • Value-based presentation
    • Class teacher’s message
    • Principal’s message
    • UAE National Anthem

    The entire assembly is compered by the children of a particular class, who are in-charge of putting up the congress. Since the assembly has an array of programs, almost 10 –12 children are on the dias for each assembly. The children are brought forth in roll number wise rotation which ensures participation for every child. This routine enables the school to instill confidence and subsequently make the children shed their stage fright. Thus, the morning hours for a child starts with a sense of assurance of their own capabilities which in turn boosts their learning inputs too.

    The morning assemblies are also a place for giving the children a taste of comprehensive diversity as each and every special day as well as festivities are ear marked and celebrated with a lot of gusto for the children to imbibe its true spirit. Morning assemblies are invigorating and thought provoking. A significant feature of the assembly is the introduction of a new word by the students of the senior most grade with the help of their language teacher.

    The teacher inducts the word by giving the meaning and its speckled uses. Later on, the students are encouraged to use the word in manifold ways with their power of written expression. The written expressions have to be put into the power word carton by the children. At the end of the week, the carton is opened and the child who has used the word in the maximum ways in the right grammatical ways is bestowed with a laurel.

    Eureka time in the assembly opens windows to new boulevards for the kids. The grade in charge of the assembly along with their class teacher talks about a new invention/discovery/literature/fine arts. It would be related to any field which enhances human finesse and adds on to their cultural diversity.

    The star student is a monthly feature of the school, wherein one child is identified by a teachers’ panel based on a set of indicators put up in the classroom. Students are expected to model appropriate behavior inside and outside school which would add on to their social disposition. Identified students would get accolades in the assembly for other students to get motivated and vie for the same