Rules and Regulations


  • Students must be always polite to all fellow-students, teachers and all other non-teaching staff including helping staff and transport staff of the school.
  • Use of abusive language and harsh tones is not permissible in any situation.
  • Students must be punctual to the school. Students should also be punctual in reporting back to class after breaks, activities or classes in the labs.
  • Running, playing or shouting in corridors or class rooms is strictly prohibited.
  • Loitering in the campus is not allowed.
  • Students of all classes are strictly prohibited from bringing mobile phones, flash drives, i-Pods or any other gadget to the school.
  • Students should not carry much cash to the school. Students are also requested not to indulge in borrowing or lending of cash to other students.
  • Students should not wear expensive ornaments.
  • Students are not allowed to wear fancy and colourful clothes except on birthdays or when specially permitted by the school authorities.
  • Students must take care of the school property and belongings. Any damage to school property caused by the students will have to be made good at the parent’s expense.
  • Students are expected to be environment-friendly. Wastage of electricity, or water and any damage to plants must be avoided at all costs.

Personal care/ hygiene

  • Students should keep a cotton cloth napkin or small towel for their use before and after food.
  • Students can keep a spare dress with the school store for emergency use.
  • Students should inform the school office or nurse if they are on any treatment.


  • The school gives minimum home-work as a matter of practice. However some assignments may be given on weekends to class One and above.
  • In case unexpected holidays are declared by the authorities, the teaching plans may get disturbed. In such cases, some home-work may be given.
  • The parents and students are expected to co-operate with this arrangement in their own best interests.
  • Students must take the initiative in getting his/her work completed if he/she misses a class owing to any reason.
  • Teachers will surely help them, but it is not the teacher’s responsibility to remind them in the case of class III and above. Parents are expected to ensure that all missed notes are properly completed.
  • The school has a teacher : student ratio of 1:20, in class and maintains a ratio of 1 : 18 on a whole school level. Hence, the school strives to give individual attention to all students to the maximum extent possible.
  • Parent co-operation in this is also enlisted.
    Extra reading and widening of the horizons of knowledge is always appreciated by the school.
  • Students’ participation in extracurricular activities is appreciated. However participation in extracurricular activities or interschool competitions cannot be used as an excuse for not studying.
  • Students are expected to take the assessments seriously. Students found to be indulging in unfair practices during tests will be dealt with very strictly.
  • Participation in external assessments, tests and competitive exams is purely optional but is recommended by the school.
  • The internal assessment in the school will be carried on as per the recommendations of CBSE and will be changed on the basis of the circulars from the board from time to time.
  • The students and parents will be intimated about the changes, if any.


  • Library books will be issued to the students of standard V onwards only during the library period.
  • Students may choose the book from the shelves. No student will take any book out of the library.
  • Students must not carry reading material outside the library.
  • Silence must be maintained in the library at all times. Eating or drinking is not allowed in library.

Laboratory - Class VI and above

  • Students must not enter the labs if science teacher or the lab assistant is not present in the laboratories.
  • Students must read and follow the safety measures displayed in the laboratories.
  • Students must bring the record books on all days of practical classes.
  • Students must not touch the apparatus or chemicals unless instructed by teachers.
  • Students must not switch on or off any equipment without instructions from the teacher.
  • Students must not try out any experiment in the absence of science teacher or lab assistant.
  • Wastage of water or chemicals in laboratories must be avoided.
  • Students are strictly warned against playing pranks and practical jokes with anyone using lab chemicals or instruments.

Computer Laboratory

  • Students must not enter computer labs if a teacher or lab assistant is not there.
  • Students must read and follow the rules of discipline displayed in computer lab.
  • Students must bring the computer notebook or lab records on all days of computer laboratory period.
  • Students should not load or delete programmes on school computers.
  • Students should access the files and programmes strictly as instructed by teacher and must not try to access any other programme or files saved in the computers of the lab. Using CDs, external hard disk or flash drives on school computers is strictly prohibited.

Physical Education

  • Students must be careful about their own safety and not cause any injury to any one intentionally or unintentionally
  • Obey the Physical Education teachers
  • Maintain sportsman’s spirit
  • Do not indulge in foul and unfair practices
  • Participate wholeheartedly in physical activities.
  • Inform the school authorities about any health related problems that may prevent the student from participating in Physical education activities.

Instruction to Parents

  • Parents are requested to read and understand the rules and regulations at the onset of each academic year.
  • The Parents must inform the school with their latest contact details and update the office as soon as there is any change. Parents must also update personal information of themselves as well as students on the parent portal and student’s portal on their own. If our instructions do not reach you due to change in contact details, the school holds no responsibility for any loss or damage.
  • Renewal of residence permit and ID should be intimated to office. A copy of the renewed residence page and ID of the parents and the student must be submitted to the office to update the records in the office. These copies are subject to verification from officials of the Ministry of Education frequently. It is the responsibility of the parents to update all the required records.
  • Parents are not allowed to go to the classrooms during class hours. If they have any problem, they are requested to meet the Principal.
  • Parents are requested to make telephone calls to teachers between 05.00 pm and 07.00 pm only or mail them regarding any issue. Conversations are expected to be brief and professional.
  • Parents are expected to check whether the teacher is able to converse at the particular point in time when they call the teacher. We expect Parents to respect the privacy of teachers.
  • Our staff members are trained to answer the parents politely. The parents are encouraged to bring forward their problems in a polite manner. Parents are requested not to raise their voice or behave in an impolite manner to any member of the staff.
  • The school does not recommend tuitions and does not permit its teachers to accept private tuitions.
  • Parents should try to attend all the Parents Teachers Meetings or Open Houses
  • Parents are strictly prohibited from distributing sweets or gifts to students and staff on their ward’s birthdays. Buying a book to the school library is encouraged by the school with the child’s name on the book.
  • When a student remains absent in school for less than 3 days, a leave note must be sent to the class teacher. If the leave is for more than 3 days, a separate letter addressing the principal should be sent with the student on the day of resuming. In case of planned holidays the leave letter must be submitted before going on leave. In case of absence due to sickness, a medical certificate accompanied by a parent’s note should be sent.
  • A child suffering from a communicable disease should be sent to school only after getting a fitness certificate by the treating doctor.
  • If the child has a history of health-problems like asthma or epilepsy, the parents are requested to give details about it to the school, the phone number of their clinic and the doctor’s contact numbers for emergencies.
  • Please do not send your child to school when he/she is ill. Instead, send a letter and the doctor’s certificate as early as you can.
  • There should be a name tag on sweaters. You may use fabric paint or embroider the child’s name on the inner side of the sweaters. Pupils’ sweaters might get exchanged after PT classes.
  • Parents must pay the school fees in time. Defaulting parents will lose access to the Parent portal as well as the student portal.
  • Please note that in the event of an unexpected holiday during assessments, the assessments scheduled on that day will be held at a later date. The remaining assessments will be conducted as scheduled.
  • Parents will not be permitted to meet any Management or School official as a group. All issues to be discussed, can only be done individually. The school reserves its obligations only to individual parents and not to groups of parents.

Campus Discipline

Types of Indiscipline

Non-adherence to rules conforming to uniform:

  • Any student-without proper uniform and without a letter from the parents.
  • Boys: elaborate hairdos
  • Boys: Military Haircut
  • Boys and Girls: Colouring of hair
  • Girls: Showy Ornaments, fringe of hair and makeup


  • In the class room with the teacher
  • Disturbing the class
  • Using abusive language in the class
  • Disobeying the teacher in the campus
  • Disobeying the teacher in the bus


  • Leaving the campus without proper permission
  • Leaving the class without proper permission
  • Any interaction accounted for by forged note or signature
  • Coming late to class after recess/ break/ PE periods/ art periods


  • Damaging school property

  • Coming late to school and coming without a proper application for leave after being absent from school (Refer to leave application format)

Actions to be taken by the school

  • For any act of indiscipline, the students will be given a written warning.
  • In the event of the student indulging repeatedly in the same act of indiscipline, the student will be summoned the next day with the parents.
  • In all matters of discipline and misbehavior in school, rules applicable in the school will be applied. All decisions of the school, will be final.